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à 5.8èInfinitive Phrases
ä:èIn the sentences in the Example, underline the infinitive
#âS:ïI like ╕to╗ ╕hunt╗ ╕quail╗.
#êè ╕To╗ ╕be╗ ╕alert╗, you must get enough sleep.
#êè He ignored the challenge ╕to╗ ╕attain╗ ╕╕╕╕╕╕╕╕high╗ ╕scores
#êè ╕on╗ ╕the╗ ╖╕exam╗.
#êè ╕To╗ ╕be╗ ╕a╗ ╕famous╗ ╕collector╗ was his goal.
#êè The purpose of this project was ╕to╗ ╕investigate╗ ╕the
#êè ╕toxic╗ ╕chemicals╗.
éS An infinitive phrase consists of an infinitive plus any words
attached to it.ïInfinitive phrases an act as nouns as do gerunds--
whether as subjects, direct objects, or predicate nouns, but not objects
of the preposition.ïInfinitive phrases can also function as adverbs or
#adjectives.ï╖To please my father is my desire╗ contains the noun
#infinitive phrase ╖to please my father╗ used as the subject of the verb
#form ╖is╗.ï╖I try to clean up my offices╗ contains the noun infinitive
#phrase ╖to clean up my offices╗ used as the direct object of the verb
#╖try.ï╗In ╖my plot to assassinate the corrupt king,╗ the noun
#infinitive phrase ╖to assassinate the corrupt king╗ acts as a predicate
#noun, preceded by the linking verb ╖is╗ and identifying the subject ╖
#╖plot╗.ïNote that in each case, the infinitive is followed by the nouns
#╖father, offices, ╗and ╖king.╗ïAny nouns or pronouns following an
infinitiveïin an infinitive phrase are called the objects of the
#infinitive, answering the question ╖What?ï╗An example of an infinitive
#phrase functioning as an adjective is as follows:ï╖The decision to
#╖travel to India was not mine.ïTo travel to India ╗identifies the noun
#╖decision, ╗thus acting as an adjective.ïAll adjective infinitive
phrases come after the word they modify.ïInfinitive phrases also act
#as adverbs.ïFor example, in ╖To be a partner, you must first reveal
#╖your financial assets, to be a partner ╗acts as an adverb modifying
#the verb ╖reveal╗ and answering the adverbial question ╖Under what con-
#╖dition?ï╗If the words ╖in order╗ can be inserted before an infinitive
phrase, then that infinitive phrase acts as an adverb.ïThere is another
#context in which an infinitive phrase acts as an adverb.ïIn ╖Eager to
#╖be early, Hank got a speeding ticket, to be early ╗modifies the ad-
#jective ╖eager╗ and answers the question ╖In what manner?
1.èWhich one of the following sentences contains a noun
infinitive phrase used as a subject?
A)ïI attempt to brush thoroughly my horse's tail.
B)ïHis vocation might be to minister to the underemployed in the
è inner cities.
C)ïTo tell the truth all the time is not necessarily a virtue.
üèAll the infinitive phrases in ç sentences act as nouns.
#╢To tell the truth all the time ╗is an infinitive phrase acting as the
#subject of the verb form ╢is╗.ï╢To tell ╗is the infinitive to which the
#noun ╢truth╗ and the prepositional phrase ╢all the time╗ are attached.
#╖To brush thoroughly my horse's tail ╗is an infinitive phrase used as
#the direct object of the verb ╖attempt.ïTo brush ╗is the infinitive,
#followed by the adverb ╖thoroughly ╗and the object of the infinitive,
#╖my horse's tail. To minister to the under employed in the inner cities
is an infinitive phrase used as a predicate noun, followed by the
#linking verb ╖be ╗and referring to the noun ╖vocation╗, the subject of
#the verb phrase ╖might be.ïTo minister ╗is the infinitive, followed by
#the two prepositional phrases ╖to the under employed ╗and ╖in the inner
2.èWhich one of the following sentences contains a noun
infinitive phrase used as a direct object?
A)ïDoes Samuel like to wander in the forest?
B)ïCautiously to step over the huge puddle was Mike's approach.
C)ïAre you certain that Laura's cue was to snap her wristband?
üèAll three sentences contain infinitive phrases acting as nouns.
#╢To wander in the forest ╗is an infinitive used as the direct object of
#the verb phrase ╢does like╗.ï╢To wander╗ is the infinitive, and ╢in the
#╢forest ╗is the prepositional phrase completing the infinitive phrase.
#╖Cautiously to step over the huge puddle ╗is an infinitive phrase used
#as the subject of the verb form ╖was╗.ï╖To step╗ is the infinitive,
#preceded by the adverb╖ cautiously ╗and followed by the prepositional
#phrase ╖over the huge puddle╗, all of which form the infinitive phrase.
#╖To snap her wristband ╗is an infinitive phrase used as a predicate noun
#preceded by the linking verb ╖was╗ and referring to the noun ╖cue╗, the
#subject of that linking verb.ï╖To snap ╗is the infinitive, and ╖her
#╖wristband╗ is the object of the infinitive.
3.èWhich one of the following sentences contains a noun
infinitive phrase used as a predicate noun?
A)ïTo be in control of difficult situations is perhaps unattainable.
B)ïMy job was to recycle appliances.
C)ïShe knows to be on time.
üèAll three sentences contain infinitive phrases acting as nouns.
#╢To recycle appliances ╗is an infinitive phrase that is used as a
#predicate noun, followed by the linking verb╢ was ╗and referring to the
#noun ╢job╗, the subject of that linking verb.ï╢To recycle╗ is the
#infinitive, and ╢appliances╗ is its object.ï╖To be in control of dif-╖
#╖ficult situations ╗is an infinitive phrase used as the subject of the
#verb form ╖is╗.ï╖To be ╗is the infinitive; ╖in control╗ and ╖of dif-
#╖ficult situations ╗are two prepositional phrases that complete the
#infinitive phrase.ï╖To be on time ╗is an infinitive phrase that acts as
#the direct object of the verb form ╖knows.ïTo be ╗is the infinitive,
#and ╖on time╗ is the prepositional phrase completing the infinitive
4.èWhich one of the following sentences contains an adjective
infinitive phrase?
A)ïThe victim's family were disgusted with the agreement to prosecute
è the alleged murderer on a lesser charge.
B)ïIs it true that you want to dye your hair green for St. Patrick's
è Day?
C)ïWe will never begin to lower our academic standards.
#üè╢To prosecute the alleged murderer on a lesser charge ╗is an
#adjective infinitive phrase modifying the noun ╢agreement╗ and answering
#the question ╢What kind of?ï╗In this infinitive phrase, ╢to prosecute ╗
#is the infinitive, ╢the alleged murderer╗ is the object of the infini-
#tive, and ╢on a lesser charge╗ is the prepositional phrase.ïThe other
#sentences each contain one infinitive phrase.ï╖To dye your hair green╗
#is a noun infinitive phrase used as the direct object of the verb ╖want:
#╖to dye ╗is the infinitive, with ╖your hair green ╗as its object.ïIn
#the remaining sentence, ╖to lower our academic standards ╗is a noun in-
#finitive phrase used as a direct object of the verb ╖begin╗.ï╖To lower
#is the infinitive, and ╖our academic standards ╗is the object of that
5.èWhich one of the following sentences contains an adjective
infinitive phrase?
A)ïAll along you have plotted to give me heartburn.
B)ïTo marry the poorest woman in town was his decision.
C)ïThe ability to see all sides of an issue is the mark of an
è intellectual.
#üè╢To see all sides of an issue ╗is an adjective infinitive
#phrase modifying the noun ╢ability.ïTo see ╗is the infinitive, ╢all
#╢sides ╗ is its object, and ╢of an issue ╗is the prepositional phrase
#that completes the infinitive phrase.ïIn another sentence, ╖to give
#╖me heartburn ╗is a noun infinitive phrase acting as a direct object of
#the verb phrase ╖have plotted.ïTo give ╗is the infinitive, and ╖me ╗and
#╖heartburn ╗are its objects.ïIn the remaining sentence, ╖to marry the
#╖poorest woman in town ╗is a noun infinitive phrase used as the subject
#of the verb form ╖was.ïTo marry ╗is the infinitive, ╖the poorest woman
#is its object, and ╖in town ╗is the prepositional phrase that completes
the infinitive phrase.
6.èWhich one of the following sentences contains an adverb
infinitive phrase?
A)ïMy hobby once was to renew discolored oak tables.
B)ïTo outwit him, you must assume that he is your equal.
C)ïPaul missed the opportunity to meet the hockey superstar.
#üè╢To outwit him╗ is an adverb infinitive phrase modifying the
#verb ╢assume╗ and answering the question ╢Under what condition?ïTo out-
#╢wit ╗is the infinitive, and ╢him╗ is its object.ïIn another sentence
#╖to renew oak colored tables ╗is a noun infinitive phrase used as a
#predicate noun preceded the linking verb ╖was╗ referring to the noun
#╖hobby, ╗the subject of that linking verb.ï╖To renew ╗is the infini-
#tive, followed by the object of the infinitive, ╖discolored oak tables.
#In the remaining sentence, ╖to meet the hockey superstar ╗is an adjec-
#tive infinitive phrase modifying the noun ╖opportunity.ïTo meet ╗is
#the infinitive, and ╖the hockey superstar ╗is its object.
7.èWhich one of the following sentences contains an adverb
infinitive phrase?
A)ïIt was hard to understand his scribbled note.
B)ïYour daring to dance on the hot coals disturbs me.
C)ïTo separate the chickens by squawking will work.
#üè╢To understand his scribbled note ╗is an adverb phrase modi-
#fying the adjective ╢hard ╗and answering the question ╢in what manner?
#╢To understand ╗is the infinitive, and ╢his scribbled note ╗is its ob-
#ject--╢scribbled ╗functioning as a past participle used as an adjective
#modifying the noun ╢note.ï╗In another sentence, ╖╖╖╖╖╖╖╖to dance on the
#╖hot coals ╗is an adjective infinitive phrase modifying the gerund
#╖daring.ïTo dance ╗is the infinitive and ╖on the hot coals ╗is the
prepositional phrase completing the infinitive phrase.ïIn the re-
#maining sentence, ╖to separate the chickens by squawking ╗is a noun
#infinitive phrase used as the subject of the verb phrase ╖will work.
#╖To separate ╗is the infinitive, ╖the chickens ╗is its object, and ╖by
#╖squawking ╗is a prepositional phrase, with the gerund ╖squawking╗ ser-
#ving as the object of the preposition ╖by.
8.ïWhich of the following sentences has two infinitive phrases?
A)ïWould you like to give your diagram of the valves in the heart of a
è walrus to your supervisor?
B)ïTo my best recollection, never has Joanne tried to photograph Mars.
C)ïHis command to cut off medical supplies to the civilian population
è was not obeyed.
üèå of ç sentences contain two infinitives phrase.ïIn the
#first sentence, ╖to give your diagram of the valves in the heart of a
#╖walrus to your supervisor ╗is a noun infinitive phrase use as the
#direct object of the verb phrase ╖would like.ï╗Within that long noun
#infinitive phrase is another phrase beginning with ╖to, ╗but it is the
#prepositional phrase ╖to your supervisor.ï╗In the second sentence, the
#noun infinitive phrase ╖to photograph Mars ╗acts as the direct object of
#the verb phrase ╖has tried.ïTo my best recollection ╗is a prepositional
phrase, not an infinitive phrase.ïIn the third sentence, a prep-
#ositional phrase beginning with the word ╖to, to the civilian pop-
#╖ulation, ╗is part of an adjective infinitive phrase modifying the noun
#╖command: to cut off medical supplies to the civilian population.